Football Passing Learning Results, Through Wall Ball, Hasil Belajar Passing Sepak Bola, Melalui Wall BallAbstract
The purpose of this study is to test hypotheses and provide empirical evidence regarding the role of efforts to improve learning outcomes of inside foot passing in soccer through Wall Ball for Grade V-A students of SDN Taktakan 1. This research employs an experimental method with a "One Group Pre-Test and Post-Test Design" involving a single group sample comprising 35 students. The sample for this study consists of Grade V-A students from SDN Taktakan 1. Data is analyzed using the paired samples t-test analysis method with the assistance of SPSS 29 software. The results of this study demonstrate a significant difference in the ability of inside foot passing in soccer through Wall Ball. Based on the paired samples t-test results, a t-score of (23,089) was found, compared to the t-table value of (1.692), with an average improvement of 64.5%. This research also indicates a strong relationship between the role of inside foot passing in soccer through Wall Ball.
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